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Animal Lovers Get More Exercise Than Gym-Goers, According to Global Pet Product Expert

14 Maggio 2013

The average dog owner gets more exercise walking their pet than regular gym-goers, according to research revealed by global pet product expert, PetSafe®. According to the PetSafe Exercise Survey, having a dog is very good for people’s health and well-being – with dog owners getting out and enjoying walking their dogs on a much more regular basis than those who go to the gym or attend exercise classes.

Over a third of people surveyed said they did most of their exercising walking the dog - 39.6% - compared to 19.8% who regularly go to the gym.

40.6% of people surveyed said their motivation to exercising regularly is spending quality time with their dog, with 56.5% saying the best thing about taking their dog for a walk is that they both get the exercise.

57.1% of people surveyed said that they spent more than four hours a week walking their dog, with 49.2% saying they did more than five long walks (over 30 minutes) in a week.

Commenting on the findings of the survey, PetSafe International Marketing Director, Angela Critchley, said: “At PetSafe, we understand the special relationship we have with our pets and aside from providing us with companionship, we’re pleased that this latest research shows that having a dog is also very good for our health, with dog owners exercising more than those who regularly go to the gym.

“The Government recommends if you’re over 18, you should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate cardio vascular exercise at least five times per week, and it is encouraging to see that dog walkers are exceeding this target and thoroughly enjoying it at the same time.”

About PetSafe®

PetSafe® is a global pet product expert in Containment Systems, Training Systems and Bark Control with its headquarters in Knoxville, Tennessee. Today the PetSafe brand also encompasses a comprehensive line of Pet Doors including an advanced Microchip Identification cat flap. In addition, a range of specialist products focusing on pet wellbeing fall under the Health & Wellness category which includes the popular Drinkwell® Pet Fountains. The Play & Challenge category further diversifies the PetSafe product portfolio by offering a unique range of treat-dispensing Busy Buddy® toys.

Other products include the Easy Walk™ Harnesses and Headcollars. The latest acquisitions by PetSafe see Lucky Litter LLC products, ScoopFree® innovative litter boxes and award-winning FroliCat™ toys, and Pet Loo by Pup-Pee Solutions© brought to the market.
