Shipping Policy

We want to ensure you get the right product at the right time for the right price.

Note: Delivery times are a little slower than we would like for our UK customers and this is due to additional customs regulations on imports from the EU via the UK. This is beyond our control & we thank you for your patience.

Please notify PetSafe® Brand via phone or in writing of shortages or damage within 24 hours of receiving your shipment. Visit our Contact Us page for details.

UK: 0808 189 6130
Rest of EU: 00800 1818 2020

Shipping FAQs

What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, and PayPal. Note that your bill will say "Luzern-PetSafe."

How much is shipping?

What’s your return policy?
If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can return it within 30 days of receipt of your order for a product price refund. Return shipping fees won't be refunded. Read our full return policy.

Is your checkout secure?
Yes, checkout is 100% secure and your personal information is safe. You’ll see “https” in the checkout page URL, which means your information is secure. You’ll also see the “Secured by Thawte” icon at the payment step, which means our site has passed the daily Thawte security scan.

I'm shipping to the Channel Islands, how are import duties and tax applied?
Import duty and taxes may apply when ordering from our website for delivery to the Channel Islands. Orders are subject to the typical customs and VAT rates. If you have any questions, please contact our Customer Care team. More information can be found at 'Tax and Customs'.

Where do PetSafe ship from?
DSV Netherlands