Many owners struggle to train their dogs reliably because they cannot maintain their dog’s attention. Dogs are actively inquisitive and easily distracted. Even when an owner considers that their dog is well trained this may break down when their dog is challenged with an appealing temptation. A dog’s safety and that of other animals and people can be put at risk if their basic training fails. Jumping up, pulling on the lead, chasing livestock or traffic are common problems that Training Systems can help solve.
"An important principle of dog training is gaining and keeping your dogs attention. Teaching your dog eye contact & undivided attention is essential"
Dogs enjoy freedom and the pursuit of pleasure. Often the dog’s unbridled pursuit of its objectives will bring it into conflict with human sensibilities. These conflicts between the dog and humans can be resolved by restricting the dog’s freedom, using leads and crates or by training them. If a dog is restrained to control its behaviour, even if it is for its own benefit or safety, it could have a very monotonous existence. A well trained dog will enjoy far more freedom and consequently will enjoy a better quality of life.
The most important principle of dog training is gaining and keeping a dog’s attention. You cannot teach a dog anything until you have mastered attention training. Before anything else, train your dog to give you its undivided attention and eye contact.
Once you have your dog’s attention the training can begin. Remote Training systems are a tool to enhance communication between either the owner or trainer and the dog as well as an ideal way to re-teach basic obedience training where reward based training has broken down or failed. They are also a great way to recall and enhance offlead control, as Remote Training Systems give the dog the impression the trainer is constantly beside them monitoring their actions. This makes the dog more likely to follow commands.
Remote Training Systems use mildly unpleasant stimulation to gain the dog’s attention. Once the dog pays attention the trainer stops the stimulation. The dog quickly learns to avoid the stimulation even though the stimulation may never be used again. This is different to using treats as a training tool as once the treats are gone, the dog stops paying attention. If a dog avoids a stimulation it is as much of a reward as a food treat, but it has a much longer lasting effect.
In the same manner the Easy Walk™ range of collars and harnesses are designed so that owners can communicate with their pet in a way they instinctively understand. Using their unique design they stop traditional on-lead problems such as pulling and jumping by redirecting the dog’s attention back to the owner through subtle movements and gentle pressure on calming points. This system specifically eliminates uncomfortable pressure on the throat, so there is no more gagging or choking as the dog tries to assert his own will. Once again with each movement the dog’s attention is directed back to the owner or trainer on the other end of the lead.
“Training systems are a tool to improve communication between the owners or trainer and their dogs”
Remote Training Systems traditionally consist of a collar with a small box attached which sits under the neck and delivers stimulation. The stimulation is activated by the trainer using a hand held remote transmitter
Spray stimulation uses a mist which is sprayed forward to interrupt a dog’s behaviour. A motion detection unit is also available & is ideal for cats, letting them know which areas they can and cannot enter - perfect for keeping cats off kitchen benches.
Static stimulation is the most extensively researched system and uses a safe static pulse which is not only harmless to your pet but proven to be the most effective.
Collarless Remote Training Systems use Ultrasonic tone as the stimulation. The dog will learn to associate undesired behaviour with the negative tone and acceptable behaviour with the positive tone.
“Vibration stimulation is the most recent form of stimulation”
Spray, ultrasonic and vibration systems can be used in any situation. However, there are situations where electronic collars that deliver static stimulation should not be used.
As the name implies, these systems are used to train and teach your dog. It is the ability of the stimulation to “interrupt” a dog’s unwanted behaviour that makes these such valuable social tools. However, because of this response it is important that these systems are introduced slowly and carefully according to the instructions for each product.
If you have any concerns regarding the use of static collars to train dogs, then check out this website for a comprehensive overview of the facts:
“Spray, ultrasonic, sonic and vibration systems can be used in any situation”
The Electronic Collar Manufacturers Association’s philosophy is to develop products and educate owners to enhance communication with their pets and promote animal welfare. Members of this association aim to communicate the owner’s responsibility to dutifully follow the training guidelines for each product.
As a founding member of the ECMA™, PetSafe® has a continuous concern to improve the well-being of pets, giving them harmony and integrating them into everyday social life. PetSafe is committed to meeting the requirements laid out in the ECMA standards for pet protection products for sale in Australia and New Zealand.
All PetSafe Bark Control systems meet these requirements.
Written and developed in conjunction with
David Chamberlain BVetMed. MRCVS
Veterinary Consultant to PetSafe
0800 543 054
Monday to Friday
10:30 - 19:00
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