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All pets are different, so it's important to be patient with yourself and your pet. Some pets may understand the training quickly, and others may take more time. Paying attention to your pet while you are going through the training and having patience will ensure you both enjoy years of freedom and safety.
The goal of phase 1 training is to familiarise your pet with the boundary flags, boundary, tone and stimulation. You will introduce your pet to the tone and the static stimulation and teach your pet where it happens.
Familiarising your pet with the boundary flags
Introducing your pet to the static stimulation
Training sessions should start at 10-15 minutes, gradually increasing to over an hour. Your pet is ready for this step only when he clearly avoids the entire boundary flag line, regardless of any distractions or temptations. During this step, do not leave your pet unattended.
To train your pet to stay within the pet area even with distractions outside of the pet area.
To give your pet free run of the pet area off the lead.
In addition, there are systems that use receiver collars which are specifically designed for small dogs, cats and stubborn dogs. Purchase an extra compatible receiver collar for each additional pet who will use the system. Note that certain systems are not compatible and in-ground and wireless collars are not compatible.
No. Containment systems are only effective on pets who wear the receiver collar. Other animals can still enter your garden.
The static stimulation is safe and harmless. It is effective enough to get your pet’s attention.
Yes. There is no limit to the number of pets you can contain with the containment system. It’s as simple as purchasing an additional (compatible) receiver collar for each pet. You can purchase additional receiver collars online or contact our Customer Care Centre.
Before making any changes to your system, remove the receiver collar from your existing pet(s). When adding pets to new or existing electronic fence systems, check the boundary limits for each receiver collar separately before using on your pet and adjust the transmitter range as necessary.
Never leave the receiver collar on your pet for more than 12 consecutive hours and remove the receiver collar from your pet when indoors for your pet’s comfort. Millions of pets are comfortable while they wear stainless steel contacts. Here are some important steps for the health and comfort of your pet:
If a rash or sore is found on your pet:
Yes, the receiver can be place on any non-metallic strap. However, you must be able and willing to “punch” two holes in your pet's current collar so that the contact points can be properly inserted. Do not attach a lead to a collar that has a receiver on it. This can cause additional pressure on your pet’s neck through the contact points in the collar.
Pets should be at least 6 months old before you start training them to use a containment system.
The flags should go just inside of the boundary zone, or along the wire for in-ground fences. To locate the boundary:
This can happen if the static stimulation level is too high. It is best to start on the lowest level of stimulation and increase the levels gradually. To solve your immediate issue, lower the static stimulation level and reassure your pet and offer praise.
Make sure you are in control of the situation when your pet receives his/her first static stimulations (have him/her on a lead attached to a separate, non-metallic collar) and lead him into the pet area and praise him/her. If your pet remains fearful, suspend training and start again the next day. Make sure to end all training sessions on a positive note with lots of praise and play.
Plug the transmitter into another wall outlet. If the lights don’t come on, contact our Customer Care Centre.
If it is a model with a stimulation level button, press and hold the button down for approximately 20 seconds. For models without this button, take the battery out for about 1 minute or take it to the boundary and activate the collar until it no longer corrects. Make sure that the tab under the battery is lifted, if applicable.
It can be very concerning to find a lost pet and most of us want to find the owner as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, at this time, there is not a way to match the collar with the owner. Please contact your local authorities to understand what services are available in your area to help locate the owner.
Monday to Friday
09:30 - 17:30
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