Pet Doors Safety Warning | Collar Fit Safety | Use Only Genuine PetSafe® Products
Please read and follow the instructions in the manual. With products that require your pet to wear a collar, proper fit of the collar is important. A collar worn too loose may impact the functionality of the product. A collar worn for too long or made too tight on the pet’s neck may cause skin damage. This is called bed sores, or decubitus ulcers. If not addressed, sores can worsen, turning into a condition known as pressure necrosis, or advanced bed sores.
Millions of pets are comfortable while they wear stainless steel contacts. Some pets have skin sensitivity to contact pressure. It is possible to make the collar too tight. You may find that your pet is comfortable with the collar. If so, you may relax some of these precautions. It is important to continue checks of the contact area. If redness or sores are found, discontinue use. Wait until the skin has fully healed to use the collar. Resume following all precautions.
Extended pressure from the contacts can prevent proper blood flow to the skin and cause bed sores. Wet and dust can lead to an increased risk of skin irritation. Bed sores begin as redness of the skin. If left untreated, increased symptoms will occur. These can include hair loss in the affected area, oozing, sores, open sores, and scab formation. Bacterial infection is common in advanced bed sores. See a veterinarian if you find open sores or an odour. Keep the area clean and dry to promote healing.
Bed sores are preventable. Proper collar fit and adjustment is critical. Pressure is the primary cause. Perform daily checks of the contact area. Early detection is critical to prevent bed sores. If you find redness during the inspection, remove the collar. Wash and dry the pet’s neck, collar and contacts. Wait until all redness has cleared before placing the collar back on your pet.
Avoid leaving the collar on the pet for more than 12 hours in a day. Moving the collar every 1 to 2 hours may help. Moving the collar restores blood flow and allows mild irritation to heal. This limit cannot replace proper collar adjustment and checks of the contact area. If you observe redness in the contact area, stop using the collar immediately. Wash and dry the affected area, collar and contacts. Wait until the skin has fully returned to normal before resuming use of the collar.
These steps will help keep your pet comfortable and safe. Failure to follow the procedures described may lead to advanced bed sores. If the sore is small and closed, immediately stop using the product. Clean and dry the area and apply antibiotic ointment to the sore. Clean the collar and contacts. If large or open sores appear, have your pet seen by a veterinarian. Discontinue use of the product until the affected area has healed.
Some descriptions of advanced bed sores or pressure necrosis describe the sores as looking like burns on the dog’s neck. Be assured that electronic collars do not use enough energy to create burns. The energy in an output pulse is less than a few thousandths of a Joule; it is similar in nature to the static pulse that you may feel when you shuffle your feet across carpet and then touch a door knob or metal object.
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