UK Release
Pet product expert, PetSafe® Brand has launched its annual hydration campaign and has been asking the nation, ‘Does Your Pet Have a Drinking Problem?’. The campaign is running throughout July to raise awareness of the importance of pet hydration.
The international campaign, which is running in the US, the UK, France and Canada, aims to underline the signs of dehydration and provide useful information on how much pets need to drink.
As part of the campaign the PetSafe® Brand conducted a far-reaching survey of over 1,000 pet owners in the UK asking them to consider their pets’ needs as hectic summer time activities get underway.
Reassuringly, the survey found that pets are top priority with 9 out of 10 owners saying they’ll put the needs of their furry friends first this summer, making sure their meals, hydration and exercise aren’t disrupted by the big games, BBQs, tennis or the Rio Olympics.
Wanting to do the ‘right thing’ for pets over the summer months came across clearly in the study. However, once the elusive summer sun comes out, there was confusion amongst pet owners about what the ‘right thing’ actually is – particularly when it comes to keeping pets cool and hydrated.
While 97 per cent of pet owners give their cats and dogs fresh water every day, over half (59 per cent) are unsure how much water their pets actually need to keep cool and hydrated.
Uncertainty crept in over whether pets should be put outside in warm weather – or kept indoors as 15 per cent said pets would be left outside as temperatures creep up to keep them cool.
Worryingly, almost a third (31 per cent) admitted they couldn’t tell if their pet was dehydrated and common signs of dehydration were confused.
A staggering 81 per cent thought panting or sweating was a sign of dehydration, which is a common misconception, and 39 per cent also incorrectly thought whining was a sign.
Symptoms of dehydration include lethargy, sunken eyes, loss of appetite and depression. Another tell tale symptom is when pets’ gums lose moistness and become dry and sticky.
Angela Critchley, International Marketing Director, for the PetSafe® Brand, said: “Campaigns such as these really help get the right messaging across about hydration and using the summer activities this year was a useful hook. People generally want to do the right thing when it comes to pets’ hydration, they are just unsure what this actually is.
“There’s a lack of knowledge when it comes to pet hydration and the more advice we can give the better for owners and their pets.”
Throughout July the PetSafe® brand is also running a social media campaign, showing useful information and infographics on pet hydration.
Notes to editor:
• 80% of a pet’s body is made of water, while humans are only made up of 60% water. As a general rule pets require 70ml of water per kilogram per day, however, the amount should be doubled in warmer climates.
Weight | Breed/Special | Water(L) | 250ml Bowls(approx) |
4.5kg | Cat/Yorkie | 0.3L | 1.5 |
8kg | Westie | 0.5L | 2.5 |
24kg | Springer | 1.68L | 7 |
35kg | Labrador | 2.45L | 10 |
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