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2023 Comunicati stampa

21 Giugno 2023

Comment garder son chien au frais lorsqu'il fait chaud ? La fin de 8 idées reçues

Lui donner des glaçons, multiplier les promenades quotidiennes, lui mettre de la crème solaire ou raser son pelage ?
Mieux vaut savoir ce qui est réellement efficace lorsqu'il s'agit de rafraîchir un chien.

Alors que la vague de chaleur se poursuit, de nombreux propriétaires...

21 Giugno 2023

Four ‘pawfect’ products to keep cats and dogs healthy and happy when it’s hot

As temperatures remain high – and with forecasts for another record-breaking summer ahead of us – the nation’s pet parents are doing everything they can to ensure their cats and dogs stay hydrated, cool and comfortable in the heat.

When it’s hot outside they don’t drink enough...

21 Giugno 2023

Eight myths about keeping your dog cool when it’s hot, debunked

From eating ice cubes to daily walks, wearing sunscreen to shaving fur
Make sure you know what’s fact and what’s fiction when it comes to cooling down your dog

As the UK heatwave continues, many Brits are looking for novel ways to keep their dogs cool. After all, if we’re enjoying...

14 Giugno 2023

Cani da ufficio: Sei fantastici trucchi per preparare un logo di lavoro amico dei cani

1. Stabilisci delle regole e assicurati che le seguano tutti
Se un’azienda decide di permettere al suo interno i cani, è molto importante che abbia un regolamento per i cani in ufficio che permetta allo staff corrente e ogni nuovo membro di conoscere le regole e procedure che...

26 Maggio 2023

Dog owners swear by these eight best buys for happy walkies

From car seats to ramps, harnesses to headcollars and training tools to leads,
don't leave the house without these must-haves this springtime

With spring now officially here – and three bank holiday weekends ahead - dog walkers are getting ready to enjoy better weather, lighter...

27 Aprile 2023

4 produits phare pour garder les chats et les chiens heureux et en bonne santé lorsqu'il fait chaud

Période estivale : 4 produits phare pour garder les chats et les chiens heureux et en bonne santé lorsqu'il fait chaud

Alors que les températures restent élevées et que les prévisions annoncent un nouvel été record, les propriétaires d'animaux de compagnie font tout leur possible...

27 Aprile 2023


France, le 27 avril 2023

Si la technologie change nos habitudes et notre mode de vie, c’est aussi le cas pour les chats. PetSafe®, leader mondial des produits animaliers a développé une série de produits pour mettre le meilleur de la high tech au service, au confort et au...

19 Aprile 2023


Conscient qu’un animal bien éduqué et qui peut se dépenser en toute sécurité pourra jouir d’une meilleure qualité de vie, PetSafe®, leader mondial des produits animaliers, a développé une gamme de harnais, licols et laisses pour faire de toutes les sorties un moment de complicité...

03 Aprile 2023

Ten dog-friendly travel tips for the Easter holidays

Pet experts share advice for dog-friendly holidays and days out

The Easter bank holiday getaway is upon us. It’s one of the busiest weekends on the UK’s roads, and thousands of dogs will be spending time with their families in cars up and down the country.

To make journeys as...

23 Marzo 2023

11 mistakes to avoid when you bring your puppy home
The ulti-mutt guide to bringing your puppy home

Bringing a new puppy home can be very exciting. But if you’re a first-time owner - or never had a pup before - it can also be daunting. It’s also a big change for the lovely little furball that’s only a matter of weeks, which is why it’s so important not to overwhelm him. Many simple...

06 Gennaio 2023

11 ways to help your pet - and you - lose weight and get fitter this New Year

It’s always a top resolution amongst Brits, but it’s not only pet owners who should be thinking about losing weight and getting fitter this New Year.

At the start of National Obesity Awareness Week, nearly half of all UK dogs and up to 53% of cats are overweight or obese - as are...
